Saturday, March 19, 2011

Friday, March 18, 2011

Nightshade (Nightshade, #1)Nightshade by Michelle Rowen

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Great book.

I have read several Michelle Rowen books and have always liked them and this is no exception.

This is a story about a girl that gets thrown into something she never expects, has never heard about and is at a loss about what to do. But I love how she takes a minute to think things through and jumps right in. As the story begins we believe who is fighting the good fight and who is evil, however that is not always what appears and the story has some twists and turns. I like how the characters develop and look forward to the next book to see where they go.

Again - love Michelle's stories and will continue to pick up any that she writes.

View all my reviews

Tuesday, March 1, 2011



Changes, changes...the newspaper industry I work in is dying a slow death.  Although I believe the media industry will be around - the way in which we access our information is changing.  No longer will the next generation hold a printed newspaper in their hands to read, my 20 year old son rarely views the newspaper and it is delivered everyday at our house.  We just received word that several of our employees were laid off...and several positions are held open to never be filled or to be filled if and when we bounce back from this downward spiral.  My position so far is staying, however I believe when all the "papers" join together and consolidate processes my job will also go away.  I only hope that as the economy improves there will be something I am interested in.  No worries really it will be a few years and I am getting to the point that I no longer want to "climb" that corporate ladder - I just want to enjoy my life.  

This reminds me that the book publishing business is also changing...I love holding a book in my hands, looking at the cover several times to see what the artist and the writer believe the characters look like, however, I am also beginning to learn to love e-books.  I received an e-reader for Christmas and have downloaded several books and enjoyed the experience just as much and holding a book.  It is a change - but I am OK with changes.  I find myself not being able to look at the cover as much as before, but love to just set it down and not "break" the back of the book by accident - which has happened more than once.   I also find that late in the evening while laying on the bed reading, if I fall asleep I do not loose my place.  :) 

Soon to come - reviews...